Kingman current weather
Kingman AZ is wonderful! Kingman's elevation, at 3,336 feet, provides an ideal southwestern climate -- neither too hot nor too cold! Kingman's weather is a welcome relief from the snow that hammers much of the country, the endless rains in some area of the northwest and from hurricans, and humid weather so many places experience. Kingman is a great place to live.
No Wildfires - No Earthquakes - No Tornadoes - No Volcanoes
No Hurricanes -
No Mudslides - No Flooding
No Snow, Ice or Bitter Winter Weather
Kingman, Arizona, weather forecast
National Weather Service
Weather information for all cities is from the most trusted and well-known source of weather in the USA. Includes wind, visibility, maximum and minimum temperatures and 24-hour summaries in addition to the condition and current temperature.
Weather Radar Image

The image is updated on a regular basis.
Wireless Weather Access
  You can now receive your weather forecast from the National Weather Service anywhere/anytime using your wireless device. All you need is a wireless device that can surf the Internet along with a wireless Internet service provider. You can use either of the following URL's to access your complete weather forecast:
HTTP enabled wireless devices:
Hurrican Resources
  During extreme weather conditions information may not display due to the weather provider's server overload and the gathering of information needed from weather sources that are off-line due to power outage.

Does Kingman Get Snow?
Yes, it snows a couple times a year. A light snow will fall of around 1 inch in Kingman, but you better be up by noon if you want to see it. The nice part about living in Kingman is that you can enjoy looking at snow in the mountains, and not have to fight it around town. People like living in Kingman because you don't have to shovel sunshine.
Kingman Has Great Sunrises And Sunsets.
Come And See Them, You'll Want To Live Here!
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